Zig zag (railway)

A railway zig zag, also called a switchback, is a way of climbing hills in difficult country with a minimal need for tunnels and heavy earthworks.[1] For a short distance (corresponding to the middle leg of the letter "Z"), the direction of travel is reversed, before the original direction is resumed.[2]

A location on railways constructed e.g. to ascend very steep gradients by using a zig-zag alignment at which trains have to reverse direction in order to continue is a reversing station.[3]



The advantages of a zig zag include speed and relative cheapness of construction, with no need to worsen the ruling grade, compared to the alternative which almost certainly will require tunnels which are slow and costly to build. Where traffic is modest, a zig zag may well be a sensible long term solution.


Zig zags suffer from a number of possible limitations:

Location of zig zags


  1. ^ Raymond, William G. (1912). "Railway Engineering". In Beach, Frederick Converse (Google books). The Americana: A Universal Reference Library, Comprising the Arts and Sciences, Literature, History, Biography, Geography, Commerce, Etc., of the World. 17. New York: Scientific American Compiling Department. http://books.google.com/books?id=Q6BPAAAAMAAJ. Retrieved 2010-01-03. "High mountain levels … may be tunneled … but … may be reached by one of several methods adopted to secure practical grades: (1) Zig-zag development … (2) Switchback development … (3) Spirals or loops …" 
  2. ^ Raymond 1912. "Switch-back development … necessitating the use of switches at these ends and the backing of the train up alternate stretches."
  3. ^ Jackson, Alan A. (2006). The Railway Dictionary, 4th ed., Sutton Publishing, Stroud, p. 285. ISBN 0-7509-4218-5.